
2000 - 2006

Format : 80 x 112 cm

Au milieu de la foule sur les Champs Élysées, une passante perçoit les visages anonymes comme des flashes, aussi transitoires que des images subliminales. Elle y projette ses pensées comme si elle recousait les fragments de la ville, les sensations tactiles et les rencontres discontinues à travers ses paroles.  
Les visages en gros plans, flous, coupés, loin d'être des portraits individualisés, deviennent des pensées en mouvement et retiennent les paroles échappées de la ville.
  • She would like the city to unwind into her

  • Anonymous and intimate at the same time

  • She believes what she sees

  • She retraces her steps but more slowly

  • The city passes through her face

  • She runs like she loves

  • Her quest looks like fire

  • Silhouettes mingle with each other

  • Citystreets make her feel clandestine

  • Others are always already there

  • All her landmarks become mobile

  • Her road is known by everybody

  • Desires remain warm under her footsteps

  • She is haunted by rubs, swishes, rustles

  • All this is about rhythm or repetition ?

  • She confuses words and faces

  • The city cuts off speech

  • The city rumble says nothing

  • She likes the city better than her own life

  • She plays the city's game

  • She naturally follows confusion, chaos

  • She snuggles into city's folds

  • She pretends to be transparent

  • Multitude makes her doubt her existence

  • The visible hidden by the visible

  • Meaning comes back little by little

  • Every new face brings the city closer

  • She has choosen a scattered path

  • Accumulated presences impregnate her body

  • Others are always already there

  • She likes to slow down her perceptions

  • Together only once

  • Her thoughts arise crosswise

  • Encounters expand space

  • She imagines an inverted city

  • Circuits are jammed

  • Words skip from face to face

  • She claims no fixed identity

  • Her perspective puts her on the sideline

  • Her encounters bounce off one another

  • The crowd overlaps her sense of exile

  • She looks more and more like the city

  • She is among others without being there

  • She borrows pieces of other people's lives

  • She is always ahead of herself

  • She keeps her thoughts for the future

  • She will redo the journey backwards

  • She cannot escape her own steps

  • Her body becomes fluid, free in the crowd

  • She forgets time and place

  • She lives in the city without being there

  • Obstacles superimpose each other

  • Her pace is incessant, distant

  • She is afraid she might have invented everything

  • She wonders if it is about rhythm or repetition

  • She tries to guess what will come next

  • She is intimate with certain parts of the city

  • Decisions follow one another

  • She makes up stories without faces