The American landscape is seen through a car's windshield: speed, driving, scenery passing by, the rear view mirror are many vectors that have an influence on the discovery of the landscape and the thoughts it creates.

Installation of 6 monitors

Recommandations pour la Route, 2’07’’ / Captures, 2’42’’ / Brouillages, 2’26’’ / Highway to the Sky, 3’00’’ / Drive through sentimental, 1’33’’ / Sans Issue, 1’03’’
  • Recommandations pour la Route, 2001, 2'07''

    from States 2000, 12'24" (6 monitors)

    Installation of 6 monitors

    Recommandations pour la Route, 2’07’’ / Captures, 2’42’’ / Brouillages, 2’26’’ / Highway to the Sky, 3’00’’ / Drive through sentimental, 1’33’’ / Sans Issue, 1’03’’

    The American landscape seen through a car's windshield :  speed, driving, scenery passing by, the rear view mirror are many vectors that have an influence on the discovery of the landscape and the thoughts it creates. 

  • Drive through sentimental, 2001, 1'33''

    from States 2000, 12'24" (6 monitors)

    Installation of 6 monitors

    Recommandations pour la Route, 2’07’’ / Captures, 2’42’’ / Brouillages, 2’26’’ / Highway to the Sky, 3’00’’ / Drive through sentimental, 1’33’’ / Sans Issue, 1’03’’

    The American landscape seen through a car's windshield :  speed, driving, scenery passing by, the rear view mirror are many vectors that have an influence on the discovery of the landscape and the thoughts it creates. 

  • Brouillages, 2001, 2'19''

    from States 2000, 12'24" (6 monitors)

    Installation of 6 monitors

    Recommandations pour la Route, 2’07’’ / Captures, 2’42’’ / Brouillages, 2’26’’ / Highway to the Sky, 3’00’’ / Drive through sentimental, 1’33’’ / Sans Issue, 1’03’’

    The American landscape seen through a car's windshield :  speed, driving, scenery passing by, the rear view mirror are many vectors that have an influence on the discovery of the landscape and the thoughts it creates.

  • Sans Issue, 2001, 1'03''

    from States 2000, 12'24" (6 monitors)

    Installation of 6 monitors

    Recommandations pour la Route, 2’07’’ / Captures, 2’42’’ / Brouillages, 2’26’’ / Highway to the Sky, 3’00’’ / Drive through sentimental, 1’33’’ / Sans Issue, 1’03’’

    The American landscape seen through a car's windshield :  speed, driving, scenery passing by, the rear view mirror are many vectors that have an influence on the discovery of the landscape and the thoughts it creates.