Mediterranean landscapes are breathing between stillness and movement. The wind set them to life, blow them, torment them. Landscapes can finally express themselves and say what they have to say.
  • Firelands_Assas, 1'34",2023

  • Les Roseaux pensants, 1'10'', 2021

  • Sécheresse en profusion, 1'45'', 2020

  • Même arides, elles vivent, 2'17'', 2020

  • Les Nuits du Couvre-Feu IV, 2,28'', 2021

  • Nights of the Curfew III

    Little breath

  • Nights of the Curfew I, 1'16'' (excerpt)

  • Wind Trees, 3'02'', 2020

  • Return to the Wind, 2016, 6'06'' (excerpt)

    The wind animates every tree, they answer each other at the same rhythm as our breathing eyes.

  • Wind I, 2014, 3'25'' (excerpt)

    Nothing moves, nothing is unchangeable.

  • Les Fleurs inverses de la Neige , 1'19'', 2021

  • Nights of the Curfew II

  • Présence I, 2014, 2'49'' (excerpt)

    From now on, she will not go any further.