Mediterranean landscapes are breathing between stillness and movement. The wind set them to life, blow them, torment them. Landscapes can finally express themselves and say what they have to say.
Firelands_Assas, 1'34",2023
Les Roseaux pensants, 1'10'', 2021
Sécheresse en profusion, 1'45'', 2020
Même arides, elles vivent, 2'17'', 2020
Les Nuits du Couvre-Feu IV, 2,28'', 2021
Nights of the Curfew III
Little breath
Nights of the Curfew I, 1'16'' (excerpt)
Wind Trees, 3'02'', 2020
Return to the Wind, 2016, 6'06'' (excerpt)
The wind animates every tree, they answer each other at the same rhythm as our breathing eyes.