Nocturnal Beauties
Sizes: 40 x 125 cm / 40 x 140 cm / 50 x 120 cm / 75 x 50 cm / 170 x 60 cm
The Madonnas of Sevilla exchange glances with the anonymous female passersby of the big cities, exchanging their features and experimenting with new sensations.
Nuits, 40 x 180 cm
Belles de nuit V, 40 x 125 cm
Belles de nuit XII, 40 x 125 cm
Belles de nuit VII, 40 x 125 cm
Belles de nuit III, 40 x 130 cm
Belles de nuit VI, 50 x 120 cm
Belles de nuit XIII, 60 x 87 cm
Belles de nuit XIV, 60 x 80 cm
Belles de nuit XII, 75 x 100 cm
Belles de nuit I, 75 x 50 cm
Belles de nuit X, 170 x 60 cm
Belles de nuit II, 170 x 60 cm
The Madonnas of Sevilla exchange glances with the anonymous female passersby of the big cities, exchanging their features and experimenting with new sensations.